End Littering in Troy!
Litter. Waste. Rubbage. Trash.
However you label it, we take action to prevent it. We empower citizens with the tools and resources to clean it up. We educate the community about the negative effects litter has on our quality of life and natural environment.
Litter is more than just a blight on our landscape. Litter is costly to clean up, impacts our quality of life and economic development, and eventually ends up in our waterways and oceans. Among our many initiatives, the Keep Troy Beautiful Litter Index is a measure of assessing current litter conditions and other indicators. Each year, a group of our volunteers conduct a comprehensive assessment of the overall appearance of our community using indicators such as litter, illegal signs, graffiti and more. The annual results are then used to develop a local plan to change attitudes and behaviors regarding litter and related issues.
Troy Litter Ordinance Documents
Troy Littering Ordinance 346
Littering Ordinance - Residential Guide
Littering Ordinance - Guide for Business Owners & Employers
Litter Index Documents
Litter Index History by Street 2013-2021
2022 Litter Index Volunteer Presentation
Ten easy tips for preventing and eradicating litter:
- Set an example by not littering.
- Keep a litter bag in your car and hang on to litter until you find a garbage or recycling receptacle.
- Report litterbugs. Littering is not only morally wrong; it’s illegal in Troy, Alabama. To report litter, call 311.
- Make sure your outdoor trash and recycling cans have tight-fitting lids.
- Share with others the proper way to dispose of trash.
- Put recyclables in a clear or transparent bag before placing them in your recycling bin.
- Pick up one piece of litter every day.
- Encourage your neighbors, clubs, co-workers or families to join you in an area or neighborhood cleanup. Need to borrow supplies call us at 334.670.6025. Cleaning or maintaining an area can significantly reduce future litter because people litter less in maintained areas.
- Look for ways to beautify your neighborhood and community, including landscaping and repairing fences. Attractive, maintained neighborhoods are littered less and research shows that they are usually safer, too.
- In your workplace, provide plenty of containers for garbage and recyclables.
- Ask business owners to keep loading docks clean and check dumpsters every day to make sure they are securely closed and areas around them clean.
- If you own a construction or hauling business, make sure your trucks are covered when transporting material to and from sites. Use fencing around construction or demolition sites to prevent debris from being blown into other areas. Put trash and recycling containers out for construction workers.
Every day, we can all do something to prevent litter and make our community safer, cleaner and more livable. Thank you for helping us Keep Troy Beautiful & Litter Free.
Contact Information
Melissa Sanders
KTB Executive Director
Leigh Anne Windham
KTB Marketing & Programs Coordinator
Physical Address:
306 E. Academy Street
Troy, AL 36081
8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Monday – Friday
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 549
Troy, AL 36081-0549
(334) 670-6025 or 311
Click HERE to email Keep Troy Beautiful
