301 Campbell Field Road, Troy, Alabama 36079 · (334) 566-3470
Location coordinates: N3151.6º W8000.7º
Unicom available on frequency 122.8 Hz | Troy Airport Traffic Control Tower 124.3 Hz

Airport Information
Airport Identifier: KTOI
Hours of Operation: Daily 0800-1700, except Federal Holidays
Average Daily Aircraft Operations: 189
46% Transient General Aviation
41% Military
13% Local General Aviation
Based Aircraft: 37
Airport Features
Housed on 466.05 acres, with 10 foot perimeter fence with a keypad entry
Two runways—7/25 (6,197’ length) and 14/32 (5,024’length)
ASOS Automated Weather can be listened to by calling 334-566-3081
Full service FBO (Fixed Based Operations) airport
Instrument runway- ILS, ADF, PAPI, GCA, GPS/RNAV.
Plane leasing and pilot availability
Certified aircraft mechanics
Office and waiting area for arrivals and departures
13,500 square yards of paved aircraft parking
Military Rotorwing Hot Fueling Capabilities
Aviation fuel grades, 100 LL and Jet “A”
DBE Notice
DBE Program Policy Statement - Troy Municipal Airport at N. Kenneth Campbell Field - 2024
Helpful Links